Linux - System Configuration and Operation notes

Notes from the FCC course Linux Server Course - System Configuration and Operation BIOS vs UEFI Basic Input Output System v/s Unified Extensible Firmware Interface BIOS is much older and modern machines mostly ship with UEFI. BIOS and UEFI do basically the same thing i.e. communicating between the Hardware …

How to deploy a Flask app to production

Link to the GitHub repository Why use Docker? TLDR - Agility, Portability and Isolation You should use a technology only if it fits your use case and not because everybody is talking about it on Twitter. The main purpose of using Docker is efficiency. It would suck if one computer could …

How to solve "failed to mount: no such device" error with the docker daemon

Solution The solution to this problem could be as simple as rebooting your system. The problem is caused mostly when the kernel updates itself during a system update. In my case, I was on Arch Linux when I ran the command sudo pacman -Syu to start a system update. Upon …

Make your own static blog using Pelican

In the world of website creation, simplicity and efficiency are key. Enter Pelican, a powerful static site generator written in Python that's perfect for crafting blogs, portfolios, and straightforward websites. In this blog post, I'll guide you through the process of creating your own static blog site using Pelican and …

Practical Productivity Hacks

In today's age, the ability to focus and pay attention to one thing is diminishing amongst the younger generation. A large part of the cause can be attributed to social media. Facebook is more of a mass social manipulation experiment than it is a tech company. But we shall not …