
Make your own static blog using Pelican

In the world of website creation, simplicity and efficiency are key. Enter Pelican, a powerful static site generator written in Python that's perfect for crafting blogs, portfolios, and straightforward websites. In this blog post, I'll guide you through the process of creating your own static blog site using Pelican and …

Practical Productivity Hacks

In today's age, the ability to focus and pay attention to one thing is diminishing amongst the younger generation. A large part of the cause can be attributed to social media. Facebook is more of a mass social manipulation experiment than it is a tech company. But we shall not …

Understanding the Essentials of Prompt Engineering: A Beginner's Guide

Introduction to Prompt Engineering Prompt engineering is a process that involves creating prompts or inputs for natural language processing models. These prompts are used to generate responses that are relevant to the given input. The process of prompt engineering is essential to the development of intelligent systems that can understand …

Starting your coding journey might not be as hard as you think…

You could be anyone, a high-school student going down the online rabbit hole or an adult who is frustrated with his current job and looking to switch careers. If you are looking to start your journey as a programmer, this article will help you get up-to-speed on how to start …

My contributions @ KWoC 2022

P.S. I got selected as a top contributor 🎉 Introduction As a new open-source contributor, participating in the Kharagpur winter of code 2022 event was an incredibly valuable experience for me. I had the opportunity to work on an open-source project and make meaningful contributions to their codebase. Projects I …